Lifting Dreams Soweto

Soweto is a location of dreams and it takes heroes like Khati Mabuya, Sonny Webster, Hein Badenhorst and their selfless team for big dreams to come to life. 

Lifting Dreams Soweto is an NPO based in Jabavu that offers local children between the ages of 10-18 weightlifting training, academic support as well as daily meals.

The journey started when Jabavu resident and South African weightlifting champion, Khati Mabuya launched the Soweto Lifting Club; a small gym in his backyard where he began teaching young people the art of weightlifting and assisting them with their school work. 

Khati’s mission was to help keep as many children off the streets by teaching them various skills and instilling values of commitment, teamwork and discipline.

In 2019 Khati, together with Hein Badenhorst Sonny Webster launched the NPO, Lifting Dreams Soweto.

Image Source: Lifting Dreams Soweto
Image Source: Lifting Dreams Soweto

There are currently about 40 children who attend the weightlifting academy 5 days per week and around 450 children who attend the Lifting Dreams Soweto academy for tutoring. 

Achievements and milestones

The volunteers and program directors have witnessed massive leaps in the academic performance of the children who attend the academy regularly. Many of the children who have struggled to keep up in school have found their confidence and improved greatly in both English and Mathematics.

Image Source: Lifting Dreams Soweto

How can one contribute to Lifting Dreams Soweto?

There are three ways in which individuals and organizations can make a difference to Lifting Dreams Soweto and they include;

  1.  Purchasing the Lifting Dreams Soweto merchandise directly from the site. The proceeds are used to improve the academy. 
Image Source: Lifting Dreams Soweto
  1. Volunteer: Volunteers who are proficient in English and Mathematics are also welcome to join and offer support to the Lifting Dreams Soweto academic team.
  1. Donate: Make a direct deposit to the Lifting Dreams account.
Image Source: Lifting Dreams Soweto

To contact Lifting Dreams, reach out to them using the following details

Address: 01483 Letsoala St, Jabavu, Soweto, 1809

Call: 079 654 4561

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Lifting Dreams Soweto

Instagram: Lifting Dreams Soweto

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